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As many of you know, my mom was diagnosed with Colon Cancer June 2012. She underwent surgery and 6 months of chemotherapy. She was doing well until the following year. It was June 2013 when she was informed the cancer was back and it was aggressive. She passed on October 5, 2013. During her decline, it was important for her to remain in her home and as independent as possible. Although that became difficult to do, with the help of many friends and family, she was never left alone and was able to remain in her home.

My mom was so fortunate and blessed to have a village of people who were able to adjust their schedules to be with her. Not everyone is that lucky. My goal is to gift financial assistance to Colon Cancer patients (and their families) to use towards caregiving expenses or any other expenses that will improve their quality of life. 

So I ask that if you think about my mom and wish there was something you could do- consider donating to her benevolence fund. Maybe donate on her birthday (March 19th). It's just another way for her name and memory to live on. 

The recipients will be selected by recommendation and by word of mouth. Unfortunately, so many people are directly and indirectly affected by cancer. Many cancer-related organizations are channeling most of their funds towards research (in an effort to find a cure) but that leaves little hope for the families dealing with the disease. The current state and federal assistance programs involve a lengthy process and a long wait time -time that many families don't have. This fund's intent is to ease some of the financial burdens that can exist during this very stressful time. 


If you would like to make your tax-deductible donation offline, please send your donations to the following address: Tomika Culpepper-Ransaw 3375 Centerville Hwy Suite 392593 Snellville, Ga 30039. Please make checks payable to:The Margaret Culpepper Benevolence Fund for Cancer.


Thank you for taking the time to read about my cause.


"It Always Seems Impossible, Until It's Done"- Nelson Mandela 



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